Friday, September 18, 2009

Clément louis

        A particularly dear and like-minded friend of mine happened upon Clément louis (this capitalization is the way he seems to consistently use it, I'm unsure if this is his full name or just his first name) this summer through the fashion website lookbook. From there he found Clément louis' flickr, and immediately sent it to me, gushing about Clément louis' beautiful photographs (as well as his equally amazing hair and sense of fashion of course). Clément louis' photographs are in fact very impressive; creative, moody and exceptionally composed.
        Though both are in French (and therefore I cannot read them) Clément louis' flickr reveals that he has been featured in two online publications, both Piana Magazine and Revista Catarina, both of which are worth looking at even if you can't read French either.
        Despite the inherent beauty and talent behind Clément louis' photographic portraits, I was particularly taken with his illustrations. His figures' proportions are distorted, and they are often androgynous. The images have a strong tension between beauty and revulsion, along with a dark tone that is particularly enticing (at least to people like myself). Along with his strong sense of personal style, Clément louis' has infused many of his illustrations with details that go unnoticed at first glance- the one hand of exposed bone on the crossed arms of a model for example.
        I managed to find his deviantart account, which chronicles a larger portion of his work, and greatly represents the evolvement of his personal style and skill. I will certainly be keeping an eye on his work, I am curious to see where he is headed, it seems like a good direction.

Clément louis' Flickr (keep an eye out for the two photo manip's that are wildy reminiscent of Daniele Buetti)
Deviantart (larger selection of work)
blog (if you can read French!)
and of course for fun, the starting point of this discover, his lookbook.


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