Monday, January 4, 2010

Denise Grünstein

(*you'll probably want to click to view these images larger)

        Denise Grünstein has been getting a bit of internet attention lately because of a series of photographs she's taken of Sandra Backlund's knitwear (see second image). I thought they were pretty cool (very creepy and surreal, which in this specific case is admittedly largely due to Backlund's strange fashions), so I did a bit of looking at Grünstein's other stuff.
        I went through her site in order, which goes editorial - advertising - exhibition - flowers (i'll be honest i spent very little time looking at the flower pictures, beautiful but not nearly as interesting). I was really interested in her editorial and advertising work, they're as I mentioned, very surreal and quirky. They definitely have a bit of that commercial vibe to them though (not that there's anything wrong with this, it's just recognizable). I was then even more excited to see her "exhibition" section, which pushes out of the safe zone and really makes you wonder what the hell is going on. In "Figure in Landscape" (images 1&4) a woman carries out some questionable activities (dragging a pink garbage bag through a park?) in what seem to be varying emotional states, and in different levels of visibility. In "Malplacé" (3rd image) it becomes difficult to determine how many women are in the images, which are paired in diptychs, most of which with just one woman, until suddenly she finds herself back to back with her doppelgänger. The series are bizarre to say the least, and I love the feeling of not really knowing what is going on, but that something is not quite right. Definitely worth taking a look.

Grünstein's website


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