Monday, September 14, 2009

St. Victor

        As I mentioned in my post on Tatt2 Tammy, I visited New Mexico two years ago. One night I was wandering around a mostly closed Santa Fe mall nearby where I was staying, searching for something or rather (I can not recall what) and stopped at the window of a gallery with giant canvases painted with strange, dark girls.
        I went in to find the artist, Lynden Saint Victor, working on a "mixed media original" (recreations of his original paintings; an alternative to the less personal prints and more expensive/one of a kind true originals) of his painting Lady Gaia (which I ended up purchasing a poster print of). He was extremely gracious and sweet, as well as eager to talk about his work, as well as art in general, and impart his wisdom on me.
        St. Victor's paintings are extremely narrative, and each painting has a story and deep meaning behind it. Visually they appear to be in alternate realities, everything slightly disproportionate or off, and are full of symbolism, both obvious and less-so. I just absolutely love his style and everything that he puts into each piece, and really believe he is worth checking out. And if you are ever in Santa Fe, you should stop by and have a chat.

St. Victor's website (online gallery with full descriptions)


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